The Emotions of Parenting

Children…the little love bugs that make me the happiest person in the world and drive me absolutely crazy…usually in the same day! Do I love them with all my heart? Yes, unconditionally! Do they make me nuts sometimes? Absolutely, without a doubt! Being a mom is the most rewarding and exhausting thing I’ve ever done. It is a 24/7 job that has huge rewards, but is also taxing at times. Big emotions for parents and kids alike – the good and the bad.

Because I know I’m not alone, I want to share something that has helped our family. If you have kids, my guess is that you have lost your temper at some point or another. If not, I am super impressed and want to learn from you! My goal is to stay as zen as possible with my kids, but there are times when that feels impossible. We talk about our kids emotions so much, but parents emotions are important and effect our children a lot. 

Before sharing more, let me say two things. First, we have happy kiddos. Tantrums are normal and not fun – and even the happiest of kids have them. Second, we are not perfect parents. Kids are always growing and changing, and we’re learning as we go. We’re also human, so we have good and bad days, so we react the best we can on any given day. Our goal is to help our family to be happy and function in the best way possible, which sometimes means new rules. 

Our family recently went through a lot of changes. We moved, we bought a new house, our son graduated from preschool and knows he will be starting kindergarten soon, and my grandfather passed away. Our son does not do well with change, so this has been a turbulent time in our household. 

So many things can cause acting out in toddlers. Exhaustion, confusion, changes (like those listed above), and so much more. Adults have bad days, so why do we expect our toddlers not to? The difference is, we need to help our toddlers to deescalate and move towards a better remainder of the day.  

In our home there are great days where all is well and there is nothing but peace and harmony in our home. It sounds nuts, but those super productive, happy go lucky, no drama days do exist! Then there’s the opposite. On the drama days, it was hard to know what to do or how to act. I tried everything. Reasoning with my 4 year old toddler was usually a huge fail. Trying to negotiate was no better. Getting mad only made things worse. So…I went online and did some research while my husband asked some friends who have kiddos. 

What entered our lives was a book – a handy book with easy rules that have already started to help. 1, 2, 3 Magic is the title and I’m a big fan. The parent book isn’t long (my guess is I’m not the only one out there with limited free time to read), and there is a kids book which outlines the new rules of the house for your child/children. There’s a workbook as well, which is actually for the parents. We have not tried it yet but I want to share that it does exist if you’re looking for something interactive to help as you learn this method. 

Look…I’m a talker (huge surprise right?) – which doesn’t help with tantrums. I so badly want to reason with my kids but it doesn’t make it better! I don’t want to give in either, because it’s important to me that they don’t get what they want when they are acting out. At the end of the day, tantrums make our whole household very unhappy. This book has already helped to simplify things for our family, and with consistency, it’s giving us the tools to work with our very willful 4 year old son (and I’m sure our daughter as she gets older). 

Bottom line is, you are not alone. Toddlers are like tiny teens who think they know it all and demand what they want with irrational behavior, yelling and tears. It’s normal. We’re all in the same boat – and anyone who says they aren’t is lying! 😉 Books like this exist because parents all need the help – but most are too afraid to admit how crazy their toddler can get.

1, 2, 3 Magic is a worthwhile read for any parent of toddlers looking for a way to gain some sanity back, and have simple yet real tools that actually work in their household. Oh! And did I mention there’s helpful tools with simple rules for bedtime tantrums specifically? Yup! So…check out 1, 2, 3 Magic, share this post with others who you feel are in the same boat (sharing is caring) and please let me know what you think! Happy reading! 

About The Author

Chirag Diyora

Children…the little love bugs that make me the happiest person in the world and drive me absolutely crazy…usually in the same day! Do I love them with all my heart? Yes, unconditionally! Do they make me nuts sometimes? Absolutely, without a doubt! Being a mom is the most rewarding and exhausting thing I’ve ever done. It is a 24/7 job that has huge rewards, but is also taxing at times. Big emotions for parents and kids alike – the good and the bad.

Because I know I’m not alone, I want to share something that has helped our family. If you have kids, my guess is that you have lost your temper at some point or another. If not, I am super impressed and want to learn from you! My goal is to stay as zen as possible with my kids, but there are times when that feels impossible. We talk about our kids emotions so much, but parents emotions are important and effect our children a lot. 

Before sharing more, let me say two things. First, we have happy kiddos. Tantrums are normal and not fun – and even the happiest of kids have them. Second, we are not perfect parents. Kids are always growing and changing, and we’re learning as we go. We’re also human, so we have good and bad days, so we react the best we can on any given day. Our goal is to help our family to be happy and function in the best way possible, which sometimes means new rules. 

Our family recently went through a lot of changes. We moved, we bought a new house, our son graduated from preschool and knows he will be starting kindergarten soon, and my grandfather passed away. Our son does not do well with change, so this has been a turbulent time in our household. 

So many things can cause acting out in toddlers. Exhaustion, confusion, changes (like those listed above), and so much more. Adults have bad days, so why do we expect our toddlers not to? The difference is, we need to help our toddlers to deescalate and move towards a better remainder of the day.  

In our home there are great days where all is well and there is nothing but peace and harmony in our home. It sounds nuts, but those super productive, happy go lucky, no drama days do exist! Then there’s the opposite. On the drama days, it was hard to know what to do or how to act. I tried everything. Reasoning with my 4 year old toddler was usually a huge fail. Trying to negotiate was no better. Getting mad only made things worse. So…I went online and did some research while my husband asked some friends who have kiddos. 

What entered our lives was a book – a handy book with easy rules that have already started to help. 1, 2, 3 Magic is the title and I’m a big fan. The parent book isn’t long (my guess is I’m not the only one out there with limited free time to read), and there is a kids book which outlines the new rules of the house for your child/children. There’s a workbook as well, which is actually for the parents. We have not tried it yet but I want to share that it does exist if you’re looking for something interactive to help as you learn this method. 

Look…I’m a talker (huge surprise right?) – which doesn’t help with tantrums. I so badly want to reason with my kids but it doesn’t make it better! I don’t want to give in either, because it’s important to me that they don’t get what they want when they are acting out. At the end of the day, tantrums make our whole household very unhappy. This book has already helped to simplify things for our family, and with consistency, it’s giving us the tools to work with our very willful 4 year old son (and I’m sure our daughter as she gets older). 

Bottom line is, you are not alone. Toddlers are like tiny teens who think they know it all and demand what they want with irrational behavior, yelling and tears. It’s normal. We’re all in the same boat – and anyone who says they aren’t is lying! 😉 Books like this exist because parents all need the help – but most are too afraid to admit how crazy their toddler can get.

1, 2, 3 Magic is a worthwhile read for any parent of toddlers looking for a way to gain some sanity back, and have simple yet real tools that actually work in their household. Oh! And did I mention there’s helpful tools with simple rules for bedtime tantrums specifically? Yup! So…check out 1, 2, 3 Magic, share this post with others who you feel are in the same boat (sharing is caring) and please let me know what you think! Happy reading!