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Daily Archives: June 17, 2019

5 Ways to Show You Care All Year Round

Father’s Day Weekend was so much fun! We had brunch, went to the park, had a BBQ, and watched movies. We even got some family photos where everyone is looking (sort of). 🙂 In honor of Father’s Day and family time, I wanted to throw 5 easy ways to show you care, all year round. Don’t just wait for a holiday – it’s those random acts that make such a huge difference. Keep scrolling for my quick list and give all 5 a try! xoxo

  1.  Make a handmade card or note. If it’s for a significant other, put it someplace like a in a briefcase so they can have a sweet surprise while at work. If for a child, put the note in a lunchbox as a special reminder that you love them. If for a friend, pop the note in the mail and know that it’ll make their day!
  2.  Cook a favorite meal/dish on a random day to show you care. I cook and do a lot of meal prep each week, but making a favorite meal just for my hubby is always appreciated. One example is a family recipe. I know Dan loves his grandmothers black beans. That is something extra special that I can make on a random day of the week to say “I love you.”
  3.  Send a quick text to say “I’m thinking of you” – or – “Thought of you today and it made me smile.” This can be for anyone you care about – a close friend, loved one, etc. Such a simple way to send out a little love.
  4.  Record their favorite show, put electronics away (no texting or email allowed), and watch together. Giving your undivided attention is such a small act, but means so much.
  5.  Do a chore that isn’t usually yours as a way to show a little extra care. Dan usually takes out the garbage and recycling throughout the week. When I know he’s having an extra busy day, I like to take it out for him, as a way to show I care and know how hard he is working. It’s a small act and I know it means a lot to him.