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Daily Archives: October 8, 2018

“Fall” for Me Sangria

Happy Fall! I love a good cocktail – and a crowd pleaser that works well for parties is Sangria! I call this my “Fall” for Me Sangria – and it is so yummy! All the flavors of Fall in a pitcher – ready for your next gathering! This works well for brunch with friends, a Friendsgiving cocktail to share, or a Fall BBQ with the fam. Pouring this easy drink over ice and into mason jars is so perfect for Fall – and everyone will love it! So easy and you can even add different Fall flavors to make it your own! Enjoy and let me know what you think! 


  • 1 Bottle white wine
  • 2 Bottles ginger beer
  • 2 Cups unfiltered apple cider (not apple juice)
  • 2 Ripe lemons  
  • 1 Ripe orange
  • 1 Pear
  • 3 Apples (granny smith and honey crisp are best for sangria. Pick a variety for the colors and taste)
  • 1 cinnamon stick 


  1. Prepare your fruit. Dice your apples and pear into small bites. Slice your orange and 1 of the lemons into thin slices and then cut them in half. 
  2.  Fill your large pitcher with all of the fruit.
  3. Top the fruit with the wine, ginger beer, apple cider, and juice of your other lemon (make sure to take out the seeds).
  4. Add the cinnamon stick and give the pitcher a good stir.
  5. Pour in glasses over ice (skip ice in the pitcher – it melts and waters it down).
  6. Enjoy!