Healthy Crockpot Lasagna

Lasagna is one of the most comforting foods out there, and always a fan favorite! I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t love lasagna, and if I ever do, I’m going to seriously question their taste! 😉 The only thing I don’t love about lasagna is how much time and effort it takes to prepare. Well let me tell, you, this crockpot lasagna is way easier and super delicious! I made this for a family birthday gathering with 5 adults and 2 kids, and everyone raved about it! The bonus is we had lots of yummy leftovers, even though almost everyone had seconds. Scroll down for this recipe and the steps to make it yourself! Let me know what you think in the comments, and be sure to share with anyone you think would enjoy this – sharing is caring! 😉 Enjoy! xo


  • 2 24 oz jars of pasta sauce (low in sodium with a good amount of Italian spices)
  • 9-10 lasagna noodles with wavy edges (raw/uncooked)
  • 2 16oz containers of part-skim ricotta cheese OR cottage cheese (I used one of each for fun)
  • 4 cups chopped vegetables of choice (I used pre-chopped/washed baby spinach)
  • Pesto (ready made works great)
  • Meatless crumbles or veggie sausage. This one is my favorite – just sauté before adding that layer. (optional but adds lots of flavor and heartiness)
  • 2 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese
  • Shredded parmesan cheese for the top
  • Fresh parsley for garnish


  1. Spray the crockpot with nonstick cooking spray. I used olive oil spray and it worked well. 
  2. Spread about 1/2 cup tomato sauce to the bottom so the noodles don’t stick.
  3. Break noodles so that they fit and mostly cover the bottom. Please note that these do not need to be “no boil” noodles. Regular lasagna noodles will work perfectly and they will cook without any issue. The noodles will not fit perfectly, which is totally fine! Cover them with about 1/3 of the ricotta/cottage cheese, spinach, pesto, meatless crumbles (if you choose to use them), pasta sauce, mozzarella cheese, and lastly more noodles. Please note that if you use meatless crumbles, you’ll want to sauté them first. It is an extra step, so skip meatless crumbles to make it even easier. It’ll still be delicious once done. 
  4. You will repeat layers 2-3 more times for a depending on how many layers you want (and how much of each ingredient you have). You’ll want to end with a layer of noodles, top it off with a thin layer of pasta sauce and shredded mozzarella cheese.
  5. Put on the cover and cook on high for 3 hours or on low for 5 hours. Turn the crockpot off (unplug it), leave the lid on to preserve the heat, and let it set for at least 1 hour. I let it sit in the crockpot for 2 to fully set, and it was still hot when we served it, but it held together beautifully. I added parmesan and fresh chopped parsley at the end, before serving. It looked beautiful and tasted even better!
  6. If you serve it without letting it set, it’ll still be delicious, but it will fall apart. Not an issue if you have a hungry crew who wants to eat this delicious meal and doesn’t care if it’s pretty! 😉 Scroll down for photos of my process. 
  7. It keeps really well in a tupperware in the fridge. We reheated it in the microwave and had hearty, delicious, easy leftovers. I even packed it as a hot school lunch for my kids in a thermus. Definitely added this to the our weeknight dinner rotation. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! Let me know how it goes in the comments! I’m excited to hear what veggies you use and love best! 🙂

Some of my favorite kitchen gadgets are below if you would like to snag your own! Happy cooking!

Easy Baking Sheet Pancakes

Pancakes are a family favorite in our house. If you have a family member who absolutely loves pancakes, this is the recipe for you! Being a busy parent, I’m always looking for new recipes to add to my meal prep! This is one of the fastest and easiest recipes you’ll come across for breakfast – and you can customize it with whatever you have on hand! Total win! Add berries, bananas, small pieces of apple, cinnamon, apple pie spice, chocolate chips, sprinkles, or anything else you love! There’s a ton of delicious combinations, so have fun and find your favorite! Keep scrolling for the ingredients and step by step directions. I’ll add additional photos for the steps soon, but this is a very straightforward recipe so definitely give it a try and let me know how you like it with a comment! 🙂 

Ingredients for 14 X 20" Sheet Pan

  • 3 cups pancake mix – Trader Joes Buttermilk Pancake & All Purpose Mix is my favorite – Bisquick is a close second 
  • 1 1/5 cups milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 – 2  tablespoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup mini carob chips – chocolate chips work as well
  • Fruit – I used strawberries and blueberries
  • Sprinkles (optional)
  • 5 strawberries, sliced or diced thin
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • Syrup or agave – to taste

Ingredients for 12 X 16" Sheet Pan

  • 2 cups pancake mix 
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup mini carob chips – chocolate chips work as well
  • Fruit – I used strawberries and blueberries
  • Sprinkles (optional)
  • 5 strawberries, sliced or diced thin
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • Syrup or agave – to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Prep your sheet pan with a sheet of parchment paper, and spray with non-stick oil. My favorite spray has flour in it and is amazing for baking as well.
  2. In a mixing bowl, add pancake mix, milk, eggs, and vanilla extract. Whisk your ingredients together until the batter is almost completely smooth with some small lumps. 
  3. Pour the batter onto your sheet pan and smooth it out evenly until it covers the entire pan.
  4. Add your toppings to the batter in any way you like. You can add it in sections, do a mix of everything on top, leave some areas plain, etc. 
  5. Bake for about 10-15 minutes or until lightly browned on top. Cooking times will differ depending on your oven, mix of choice, etc. so keep an eye on the oven as these do cook pretty quickly. 
  6. Let cook for a couple of minutes and then either cut into squares or use cookie cutters to make fun shapes. I made this batch as we are getting close to Valentines Day and thought my kids would enjoy the hearts. 
  7. Serve with butter, syrup, a dusting of powdered sugar, or whatever your favorite is on top of pancakes! Enjoy! XO

Age Appropriate Chores for Kids

As parents it can be tricky to know when it’s the right time to give kids chores. There are lots of opinions on the age, incentive, approach, and so much more. This is my personal take on how best to introduce and pick chores. Definitely take it with a grain of salt and make your own decisions based on your own child(ren). You know best, but hopefully you’ll find this helpful and get some ideas of what may work for you and your family.

When Should Kids Start Helping Out?

This is an interesting question and I don’t believe there is one right answer. In my opinion, kids should start helping at a very early age. Kids are so smart and way more capable than we give them credit for. Toddlers can absolutely help out, and truthfully, I think they should (just make it fun)! For example, when my kids were toddlers, they were asked to help clean up their toys and books, which helped form a good habit. They also helped to wipe surfaces and carry small things to the table when it was time to eat (nothing breakable or easy to spill). It’s a fun way to get them involved, and it gives them such a sense of pride. We added other chores as they were more and more capable of helping. I know that some kids get an allowance, but in our house the kids help out because they are part of the family and we all help one another. 

The idea of helping out because we are all part of the household and family was something I learned from Montessori school. Basically, it is the idea that we are all part of a community, and all need to do our part to keep things clean, organized, and working well as a group. It isn’t one persons job, and everyone that is part of the community should chip in. Home, school, at a friends house…the idea is the same across the board. The kids are part of our family community, so they help out because we ALL help out. 🙂 I love that concept because it makes so much sense to me as an adult, and it’s very easy to explain to a child. We all help each other. Period. Scroll down for some chores that work well for kids and can really help make life easier around the house, while also preparing them to be awesome adults! 

Age Appropriate Chores

This is a list with various chores that work for a variety of ages. Use it to get ideas and figure out what works best for you and your family. We started some of these chores when the kids were toddlers, others in preschool, and have been adding new ones because they are only getting older and more capable. I’ll put the rough ages next to each chore, but please remember to help you child learn these new chores and gauge if they are ready based on their own age and ability to do them in a safe way. We supervise and help out as well, so they aren’t doing all of these alone, but they are helping to get these things done as part of the family and household.

  • Clean up books (Toddler)
  • Clean up toys (Toddler)
  • Set table (Preschool)
  • Clear table (Preschool/Kinder)
  • Put dishes in sink (Preschool/Kinder)
  • Rinse dishes and put into dishwasher (Kinder)
  • Make bed (Kinder)
  • Put PJs into hamper (Preschool)
  • Get dressed by themselves in AM/PM (Preschool)
  • Go potty/wash hands (Whenever you potty train them)
  • Brush teeth (Toddler/Preschool) – Side note: Please help them to ensure they are actually clean and to avoid cavities
  • Turn off night lights (Toddler)
  • Fold clothes (Kinder)
  • Put clean clothes in correct drawers / hang in closet (Preschool/Kinder)
  • Feeding pets (in our house we have two dogs) (Kinder/First)
  • Folding blankets in the living room (Kinder/First) – We assist as it can take 2 people
  • Straightening the pillows on the couch and chairs (Preschool)
  • Using the Swiffer mop and duster – a fave of the kids (Kinder/First)
  • Raking leaves in the Fall (Preschool/Kinder)
  • Putting lunch ice packs back into freezer (Kinder)
  • Shoes by back door or in shoe baskets  (Preschool)
  • Cooking/baking (Preschool) This is a family activity and takes supervision, but I like them to help. It teachers new skills and encourages them to try new foods.

One other thing to keep in mind is by making things fun and using positive reinforcement, the chores aren’t seen as a pain to do. It’s also great to make it less if a chore and more of a routine. Yes, we started a lot of those chores at an early age, but we also helped them to do those chores, so it was a group effort. They looked at it as family time and not a chore they were asked to do. It has formed a lot of really good habits that I’m really proud of.

Also, there is no wrong time to start – it’s more about being patient and starting when your kiddo is ready. Each child is different, and you need to keep that in mind as you introduce new chores and expectations.

If you haven’t introduced chores yet, it’s not too late! I’m a firm believer that everyone should pitch in, and that doing a good job leaves us with a wonderful feeling. That feeling is something we should strive for. Is allowance ok? Absolutely! We don’t give allowance for chores that we consider normal everyday expectations and routines. Those are just things we do as part of the household. That being said, if we ask the kids to help us with something that will take more time or we feel is extra – we sometimes give them allowance. 🙂 It’s fun to show them some extra appreciation and add to their piggie bank. They are both saving up for something special, and helping them to reach their goal is fun as well! That being said, the kids know that they don’t get paid for normal things like cleaning their room, brushing their teeth, helping set the table, etc. That is how we have chosen to do things – and there are lots of ways out there! Again, pick what is right for you! 🙂 

Lastly, how to reinforce chores is up to you, and up to your child as well. What I mean by that is you need to figure out what works for your kiddo, because what motivates some kids won’t motivate others. Chore charts work really well for many children, and there are a ton of options out there! We tried the ones with magnets on the fridge, but ultimately, I like printing a chore chart out and being able to handwrite the chores on it myself. It is more custom and I can change it as we need to add or take off chores.

We used the same chart for goals as well, so the chart also had things like “went to bed without a fuss,” “stayed in bed until alarm went off,” “didn’t chew nails,” etc. It’s great to have both on the same chart because the goal is to form great habits, so why not have them all in one place?! 

I created some simple chore charts HERE that you can print out and use with your family. You can use a pen or marker to check them off, stickers, or insert the chart into a dry erase sleeve and dry erase markers. The dry erase method is by far my favorite method because the chart doesn’t need to be reprinted each week. Plus, the kiddos can use the dry erase markers to check things off, which they love! Huge win!

I hope this helps and please comment below with some of your own favorite chores, methods, charts, and ideas! Sharing is caring so let’s all help one another, right? xoxo

Halloween Traditions Countdown Printable

Halloween traditions are a special way to make memories during Fall with those you love. If you have kiddos, it is an especially fun time of the year because it’s filled with costumes, magic, sweets, and treats! Who doesn’t love all of those things? To help fit in all the fun, this is a quick Halloween Traditions Countdown FREE Printable

You can use this PRINTABLE as a way to keep track of the things you plan to do before Halloween. You can print and use it for ideas to make your own list, use Halloween stickers to mark the one’s you’ve already done, cut them all out and put them into a hat – then take turns picking out a Fall activity, or just close your eyes and point to pick one! 

Fall always gives me the warm fuzzies because of the glowing lights in each pumpkin, the hot spiced cider, baked goodies, and all of the laughter and smiles! 

I made this FREE Printable to help make it fun and easy to track how many things you’ve done! Get to it! Enjoy the moment, make memories with those you love, and have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! XO

You’ve Been Boo’ed Printable

You’ve Been boo’ed PDFHave you ever been Boo’ed before? It’s a new thing for our family, so I wanted to share how it works so you can give it a try! You can Boo your neighbors, friends and family with this fun PRINTABLE that I’ve put together for you. 🙂 

There are 2 ways to BOO someone. First is to simply drop off a basket of goodies with this PRINTABLE and sign the bottom. You can also give them an extra of this PRINTABLE so they can BOO another neighbor. Just be sure to add a little note at the bottom asking them to put the sign on their door so others know they have already been BOO’ed. 

The idea is to pass the BOO along to others – basically spreading the joy and fun! Isn’t that the best? I absolutely love this concept, which is why I made this PRINTABLE to share with you all!

I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know in the comments if you give it a try – and if you used my PRINTABLE! Have fun and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!



Easy & Comfy Family Halloween Costumes

It’s that time of the year again! The time when kids get super excited about Halloween, and parents wonder how many times their children will change their minds on what to dress up as! 😉

Family Halloween costumes is a tradition in our home, and it’s always a lot of fun…well it is fun once we decide on something everyone likes! Ha! This year we wanted something that was easy, comfortable, and fun! We looked at Rubies Costume Company because their selection is great, we like the quality, and the price point makes this mama happy! Not to mention they are available at Walmart, so thats a WIN! I also don’t get upset if the kids find more than one they just can’t live without – because they have some really affordable options! Dress up can be year round – no reason to keep it to just October – right!?

We also love that they have the latest and greatest costumes, so the kids can dress up as their favorite characters! There are some really awesome characters from movie and shows to choose from, and it’s nice to have all the options available! This year we decided to go as the characters from the new Space Jam 2 movie! I absolutely love how fun and bright they are! 

As you can see from the photos above, the costumes are really fun and super easy to move around in! Costumes that the kids can actually run and play in is a huge plus! Kids don’t just sit still or walk up to houses on Halloween…they RUN all the time! They want to play and on real Halloween they have that excited energy going up to each house while they trick-or-treat! 

I also like that they are easy to layer. If it gets chilly out (it actually snowed for us today), I can easily put tights and a long sleeve under Sofia’s costume, and black sweatpants and a long sleeve under Gabe’s. It’s still easy to tell what they are and the vibrant colors make it easy for me to see them as they run ahead of me (which they will do)! 😉 For the adults, the costumes are just as comfy and easy to throw on. It’s nice to match but also feel comfortable while I run after my kiddos. Easy to move in is not just a requirement for kids costumes – it’s important for us adults as well! Haha!

As mentioned above, the price point is also a win! The kids costumes (Space Jam LeBron child costume and Space Jam Tune Squad child dress) were only $15, my costume (Space Jam Lola Bunny adult) was under $20,  and my husbands costume (Space Jam Goon Squad adult) was under $25. This is the first year we’ve gotten family costumes without spending way more than needed! Kids grow SO fast, don’t they? It’s nice that they can play in these and use them for Halloween, but they don’t break the bank! 

If you’re looking for options for the whole fam – look no further! Truthfully, I would get the kids to sit with you and look at costumes online! The selection is SO good! Obviously they have Space Jam 2 (WOOT), but they also have The Adams Family, Avengers, JoJo, Batman, Blaze, Barbie, Blues Clues, and so much more! Something for every age group – making it a one stop shop! Make sure you look at the selection of Rubies costumes at Walmart – it’s so good and you know they’ll have something for everyone! Yup – thats a total #momwin! 

The bottom line is this – Halloween should be fun NOT expensive! It should be all about making memories and enjoying these precious moments! Rubies was the right choice for us because it makes for a stress free Halloween that we can enjoy as a family. I love that we can all run around and have fun, and that the these costumes can be used all month long (yes the kids have already worn them a TON) and still look great for Halloween! Quality and the right price – yes please! 

What are you going to be for Halloween?


Photo via Rawpixel

There’s nothing better than dipping into a cool backyard pool on a sweltering summer day. While pools are supposed to be all about fun, fitness, and relaxation, they can also be a source of anxiety for parents. News stories about swimming pool mishaps are enough to scare any parent into closing the pool for good. Fortunately, there are plenty of great ways to keep your family safe as you enjoy your backyard oasis. Here are some tips to help settle your worries!

Why Swimming Is a Great Family Activity

With all of the risks involved in swimming, parents may wonder whether it’s a worthwhile hobby at all. But swimming has plenty of benefits for kids and parents!

  • Swimming is a fantastic way to get your heart racing and your blood pumping!
  • Swimming can assist in the development of posture, balance, and coordination.
  • Parents and grandparents with mobility limitations or joint pain can use the pool for low-impact exercise.
  • Your mental health can also benefit from a dip in the pool!

Make Some Pool Upgrades

Keep your pool up to date with the latest safety features so you can limit the risk of accidents.

  • Hire a professional to make pool repairs and combat general wear and tear.
  • If your pool is equipped with a diving board, consider removing this safety hazard.
  • Install a fence all the way around your pool and make sure your kids can’t climb it or squeeze through any openings.
  • Install a safety cover to prevent accidents when the pool is not in use.

Discuss Pool Safety with Your Kids

Sit down and educate your children about the importance of pool safety. Make sure they know what conduct is not allowed around the pool!

Before you let your family jump into the pool, take steps to make your pool a safer place to relax and play over the holidays. With the right precautions — and a couple of key safety rules — you and your kids will get the most out of your little slice of paradise!

Big thanks to Alex Robbins for sharing this helpful information through this post! For more great family safety information from Alex – visit:

How to Reverse Tie Dye

It’s happened! Tie dye is back – and it’s all the rage! It’s also sold out at most stores because it’s a fun at home activity, and we’re all stuck at home right now. Did I give up on my tie dye dreams? No way! I decided to try reverse tie dye! If you’re new to reverse tie dye (I was), it’s where you use bleach to take color out of your garments, instead of adding colors to them. It’s really fun, easy, and most people have what they need on hand. Keep scrolling for quick instructions and what you need. 


Before you get started, you’ll need to gather the following materials:

  • Shirts or other clothing that are medium to dark in color so that the bleach has enough pigment to pull out. I used old shirts that we weren’t using anymore and gave them a makeover with this technique.
  • An empty spray bottle. I used an empty spray bottle that used to have house cleaner in it. Because it was empty, I rinsed it out until it was good and clean, and I was all set! No need to purchase a new one!
  • Bleach – enough to fill about 2 inches of the spray bottle. 
  • Rubber bands (optional).
  • A tarp to protect surfaces.
  • Rubber gloves to protect your hands.


1.  Lay your clothing onto a clean flat surface. Decide where you want to pinch (so you can create a center for your swirl) and twist. You want it to be a nice swirl that is flat on the top and bottom. Use 1-2 rubber bands to secure your swirl. We used shirts so the rubber bands helped keep the sleeves in place. 

2. Put your tarp outside, preferably on the ground. We used rocks and other things to secure the ends so it didn’t blow away. You definitely want to do this outdoors, so it is well ventilated. Lay out your clothes that have been twisted and secured. 

3. Put on your rubber gloves to protect your skin. Take your spray bottle and add 1-2 inches of bleach to it. Close it and make sure it is on “spray” and not “stream” or “off”. You’ll spray your clothes as much or as little as you like. I sprayed the tops pretty well, flipped them over, and sprayed the bottoms as well. Why not? 🙂 Let them sit outside for 30 – 60 min, preferably in the sun. We ended up eating dinner (yes we eat so early that the sun is still shining) – and let them sit for well over an hour. We wanted them to bleach a good amount of color out, and they turned out awesome! 

4. Put your rubber gloves on again, take the rubber bands off of the clothes, bring them inside and get ready to toss them into the laundry. Wash them in cold water, regular cycle (don’t mix with any of your other clothes). When they are done, hang them up to dry. That’s it! So easy! When they are dry, enjoy wearing your new reverse tie dyed clothes! 

We tried a variety of shirts/tanks and I love them all. My workout tank didn’t bleach as much as I thought it would (see above), but I love how subtle it is. The black shirts bleached really well, as did the dark grey one Sofia is wearing in the image above. My lighter grey shirt is more subtle as well, and it’s really pretty! I’m planning to throw it on with light jeans and flip flops for a casual look. 

I hope you give this a try, have fun, and please comment with how it goes! I would love to know! Hoping everyone is staying safe, healthy, and enjoying these warmer temps! xo

Top Learning Toys for Kids

In the world of quarantine, we’re all looking for ways to stay busy and sane. That goes for kids as well! If you are a parent, you’re most likely looking for ways to keep your little ones busy all day so you can get things done. There is still work to be done, but now we’re all teachers, personal chefs, cleaners, and more. It’s a lot! 

So, in light of our current situation, I’ve pulled together some of my favorite learning toys! These are learning toys that are fun, creative and don’t involve a screen. I’m not saying there aren’t great apps and other learning tools out there that involve screens. That being said, my kids have zoom calls with their teachers throughout the day, so having other things for them to do besides looking at a screen is important to me. 

Keep scrolling for some of my top toy picks for kiddos of various ages. My kids are 4 and 6, and I included toys that they’ve used and loved for the last couple of years (and still use). I’ll be sure to post another toy roundup soon, but hopefully this is a helpful start. Enjoy! xo

This particular toy is interactive and a lot of fun! It’s for 3-8 year olds, though I think kids who are 4 and up may be able to do more independent play with it. It has activity cards instead of a screen, which is a big win in my book! There’s a variety of topics which are covered on the 24 different cards included in this set. Math, ABCs, colors, shapes, spelling, body parts, matching games, telling time, opposites, patterns, animals, climates, and more. 

Kids can sit and play on their own, but there’s also a way for kids to compete and answer different questions for a score. Siblings would definitely have a blast with this! I know my kiddos do – which makes it more versatile with different kinds of play.

Given how much I need to get done throughout the day, it’s nice to have some learning games, toys and activities that don’t require me to participate. I’m not saying my kids don’t interrupt me with questions still – because they do! That being said, they do it a lot less when they have something in front of them that holds their interest and is easy to use. This fits the bill and is worth looking into! 

When I was in elementary school, everyone in my class was in chess club. I have no idea why, but it was all the rage! 🙂 I’m so glad it was! Learning chess is so good for brain development – and it continues to be good for your brain as an adult. This chess set is absolutely perfect for learning how to play chess. It’s made of wood, is lined with velvet and stores all the pieces inside, it is color coded, has reference cards so you can learn as you play, and more. The design of the board is for learning how to play, and the construction is sturdy, so you’ll get years of family fun out of it! Not to mention that playing chess exercises both sides of the brain, raising intelligence and nurturing intellectual and creative development. You read that right! This is a fun game that makes you smarter! 😉 I’m a big fan of this set and I think you will be too! 

MindWare Imagination Magnets are so cool! This set comes with 42 wooden magnetic shapes, a carrying case and 50 colorful puzzle cards. Kids can use the puzzle cards to recreate the different patterns (animals, structures, faces, vehicles, flowers, etc.), or they can use their imaginations to play and create their own! Kids can play on their own or with others (taking turns), as they work to master the different I love how kids can play independently or with others, making this super versatile! We’ve brought our set with us on trips, out to dinner, and to friends houses. The carrying case makes this an easy activity to bring with you for fun that doesn’t involve screen time. I hope you love it as much as we do!  

Magnetic 3D building tiles are a big win in our house. We’ve had these for years, and the kids are still obsessed with them. I would categorize this as a timeless toy because kids will get so much use out of them, and they won’t go “out of style.” Kids can get creative and build whatever they are interested in. My daughter is 4 and she loves to build castles for her other toys to live in. My son is 6, and he loves to build rockets, cars, and other structures. The same set provides them with the opportunity to play however they want, making what they like best. 

This particular set comes with 108 super durable pieces, in a variety of shapes and colors, and a fun idea booklet to use for inspiration. When I checked the link, it was also 10% off (so hurry to snag the coupon). We put ours in a drawstring bag to easily bring it with us places. It’s also been really wonderful when we host friends who have kids, because it is so much fun for children any age! Hours of fun that will last – it’s a win! 

Water Beads are a big hit for a variety of ages. These non-toxic beads are so easy to use, and versatile. Just add water and they’ll grow with time (you’ll see a big transformation over an hour up to 4 hours). I linked our favorite set because it comes with 20,000 beads, 2 scoops, and plastic tweezers – for under $20. They’re fun and educational, so it’s a win win! Kiddos can do sorting and matching, develop fine motor skills, work on hand-eye coordination, and more. 

They are a soft texture, come in a rainbow of colors, and can be used in so many different ways. Some examples include, putting them into a kiddie pool with water for outdoor fun, adding them to some smaller plastic containers and adding tiny toys (any you have around the house) so kids can dig to find them, having kids sort them by color as a fun learning activity, placing jars in front of them and doing a counting game, and so much more! So many of my friends love these for indoor and outdoor fun, and I’ve seen kids play with them as toddlers all the way up to age 7 (sensory toys are fun)! 

If you’re looking for mess free fun, you should look at the Aqua Doodle Mat. This particular set comes with a bonus coloring book – which adds to the fun! My favorite part is that all you need to do is add water to the “pens” and let the fun begin! They can draw, make shapes, use stencils, and more. The drawings disappear after about 5 minutes, so they can keep making new creations and having fun! It’s a super creative activity – and the lack of mess makes is very helpful when indoors.  One other thing to note is how well it is for various ages. I believe Gabe was 4 and Sofia was 2 when we got our Aqua Doodle Mat. It was a big hit for a long time. They played well together, making pictures, playing, laughing, and enjoying the freedom of mess free play. Imagine how nice it must feel as a child to play and draw without being told not to make a mess? Pretty fantastic for kids and parents alike! 🙂 

Gears Gears Gears! Building with this Gears Set is fun and kids will learn while they play. These gears are easy to snap together and super fun to spin! This particular set comes with 150 pieces and there are endless ways to put them together. I’m a big fan of STEM learning toys, and this set is at the top of my list. Children are able to sort the pieces, group them, count them, make designs, construct different structures, and put physics into play. Kids have the freedom to play and create moving structures and experiment with simple mechanics. This is another winning toy because it works for so many ages, and is great for playing alone or with others. 

Learning can also be helpful – and this Mellissa and Doug Dust, Sweep and Mop set proves just that. I love that they are colorful, made out of wood, are super cute yet realistic, and just the right size for kids. The dustpan is particularly cute because they can actually clean up little messes and be “big kids.” 

This set helps build skills and confidence, as well as coordination and fine motor skills. Something we teach in our house is that we’re all part of the family, so we all help keep our home clean and tidy. There are simple jobs that kids can help out with, like sweeping, wiping the table, folding dish towels, clearing the table (things that won’t break), etc. It’s important to me that my kids know that we all help each other, and even if the mess isn’t ours. An example of this is when it’s time to put toys away, the kids are responsible for helping each other. If Sofia was doing a puzzle, and Gabe was playing with Legos, they need to help each other put the toys away (not just clean up what they were using individually). 

This set is hands on and kids can be creative, using these tools for various things. I’m a fan – especially now that we’re all home so much. Talk about a perfect time to show the kids how to be helpers while inspiring playtime using their imaginations! 

Cooking and baking are great and fun ways to learn. They are not independent activities, but they are fantastic ways to get kids involved, teach them life skills, and even get them to try new things to eat! This children’s chef kit includes tools that are real and great for getting kids involved. You do need to supervise your kids while using these tools, and teach them the right way to use them. It’s not a large set but it is affordable and has tools that are useful. For a more complete set, check out this one – I love it and so do my little ones! There are some cute MasterChef Jr sets available as well, which are fun if you have a child who is very interested in cooking, and so you can add to their collection of kids cooking/baking tools over time.

Please remember that you know your kids best and know what they are ready for. My kids are 4 and 6 and have been helping me cook and bake for years. I started with things like measuring, dumping ingredients into a bowl, mixing things, etc. Now that they are older, they help me chop things like tomatoes, cheese sticks, fruit, etc. They use a kids knife that is not sharp (and not made of metal), and I am there with them to assist (safety is always important). 

Gabe is older so he gets to help me by using the apple slicer, which is great because he feels a real sense of accomplishment, and the kids get to eat the apple slices after he’s done with his task. Sofia helps slice bananas, which gives her that same sense of accomplishment but with a more age appropriate fruit (it’s a softer and safer for her). It’s a win! Cooking tools made for kids are a great learning tool and way to get your kids involved in this that need to get done around the house.

The last learning toy I’m including are the 3 in 1 Lego kits. They are a favorite in our house and have been well worth the money! Sofia isn’t interested in these sets yet (4 may be too young for these), however, Gabriel is 6 and has enjoyed building them since he was about 5 1/2 years old. He is good at them and we love the various things he learns from building with them. There are a couple of kits that are for kids around the age of 6, though I think 5 year olds would be fine with the challenge and may just need a little help. There are several kits for children 7+ and we’ve gotten many of them for Gabe. He builds the 7-12 year old kits and absolutely loves the challenge.

For starters, you can make 3 things from one set of Legos. Each set of 3 in 1 Legos comes with enough pieces and booklets to complete 3 builds. That makes it worth the money right there. One of the things I like best is how it has taught our son to not just leave the Lego built and on a shelf, but that he can take it apart and make something new that he will love just as much. His approach is to build his favorite of the 3 builds first, then take it apart to build the other 2, and then take it apart a final time to rebuild his favorite one last time. That ends up being a total of 4 builds instead of 3, all from the same box of Legos. He gets such a huge sense of accomplishment from going through this process, and it’s so fun to watch! 

Legos inspire creativity, help with fine motor skills, engineering, cooperative play (when he builds with his sister or friends), problem solving, patience, better focus and concentration, and more. I know that Legos are not a traditional learning toy in the sense that it’s not teaching him math, reading, geography, or another subject that kids get in school. That being said, it teaches a number of other very important things, and it’s something kids really enjoy! Learning can be done in so many ways, and I wanted to include Legos because I’m a true believer in what they can teach children through play! 

This post is mostly focused on toys, but I’m a huge fan of reading so I’m including some favorite books just in case you’re looking. There are a ton of Early Readers available for every age and grade level. Gabe used Bob books when he was 4, and we have been using them with Sofia as well. They are fun and work really well! There are also lots of Early Readers available for a variety of reading levels, and some of our favorites include the ones listed HERE

We also believe in reading social emotional books that help our kids work through emotions and other important things as they grow and change. We’re big fans of the zones of regulation, which makes it much easier for kids to identify and talk about their feelings. For example, you are in the green zone when you are happy, relaxed, and have control of your body and emotions. You are in the yellow zone when you aren’t able to focus, are anxious, or feeling out of sorts. There’s more to it, but that should give you an idea of the zones, and how talking to kids about being in the green versus the yellow zone can make it easier for them to understand and talk about their feelings and emotions. This book about little monsters, is a great intro into teaching kids about their own zones. 

One of my favorite books is What Should Danny DoThere’s a couple versions that are worth looking into (including one about a little girl named Darla), but the important thing is that the books talk about the power of choice. Both of my kids are huge fans of these books, and of the cape that Danny wears. He has the super power of Choice and helps kids learn how to make better choices in their everyday lives. It’ll help them become great adults, but it will also help them make better choices as kids, which can mean less arguments at home, better overall behavior, and happier kids! 

That’s it for this post! I hope you find the toys, books, and information helpful as we navigate this new homeschool life during this pandemic. The nice thing about these toys and books is that they will continue to be used after this is all over! Stay healthy, safe and sane out there! Be well! 

10 Ways to Stay Busy & Sane During the Pandemic

Things are strange, stressful, and full of uncertainty right now. We’re in this together though, which hopefully makes it a little easier. Yes, we’re all cooped up in the house, and if you have kids, you’re most likely trying to juggle home schooling with work, housework, and life in general. 

I’m super behind on blog posts that I’ve been wanting to write, I’m taking on less marketing campaigns, and it’s because my focus and work load has shifted to my family. Is that a bad thing? No, I’m happy to do it! That being said, I’m not trained to be a Montessori teacher, so I’m learning how to home school and juggle all of the things I need to get done, while also trying to keep my stress level down. This all feels surreal, but my goal is to keep my family healthy, safe, and happy (aka not scare the crap out of my kids). 

I’ve pulled together some things that may help you stay sane as you navigate this Corona Virus era – and everything that it entails. Keep scrolling and please comment with your own ideas so we can support each other with things that are positive and work well! 

1. Celebrate! Yes, we’re stuck at home and may miss out on being with those we love for special events. That being said, we can still celebrate! It was my moms birthday in March, and we had to cancel her party. My parents had planned on visiting us for the weekend, I had made us a brunch reservation, planned our at home meals, which cake I was going to make, ordered her gifts, and picked up the decorations. They live about an hour away, which isn’t far, but we aren’t going to see them in person until this is all over. Keeping our space will keep them safe. So…we had a virtual birthday party! 

Just because we can’t be in the same house, doesn’t mean we can’t sing her happy birthday and celebrate! We put up a happy birthday sign, sported hats and crowns, I baked a cake and lit candles, and we made sure my mom knew how special she is to us. Don’t stop doing the things you love – like celebrating the important things. Just do it in a safe way – using technology to bridge the gap. 

2. Find things that will keep the kids busy without screen time. I’m not saying screen time is bad. What I’m saying is that kids don’t need screen time to keep busy all day. It’s helpful to use screens when other activities just aren’t cutting it and you need to get important things done (like a conference call). My ask is to not rely on screens when other activities may work just as well if not better at keeping their attention.

Legos are a big win in our house. I love them because they keep the kids happy, busy, and they are a learning tool. I always purchase Legos that are for older kids, so it is a challenge. Sofia is 4 years old, and I have been ordering Legos that are 6+ so that she can have fun, challenge herself, follow instructions, and work on her fine motor skills. 

Gabe is 6 and he’s been working on Legos for 9-12 years olds. There are some amazing Legos and building kits that allow kids to program the completed figurines to do things like walk, sit, etc. It’s like building and programming a robot. It is fun and educational! You know what level would best fit your kiddo – so I would go with that! 

Side note – we still use Duplos! The kids play with them for hours, making large structures, using their imaginations, and (usually) playing well together. The pieces are big, so they can create castles, houses, trucks, and other cool things that their other toys actually fit in. It’s perfect for relaxed and fun playtime, which is a big win! This is the storage bag we use for all of our Duplos. It’s been a huge help keeping them from getting everywhere, and saving my feet from stepping on them! For tiny Legos, this storage system is how we keep them contained (and easy to transport).

3. Play dress up! If you’re anything like me, you have Halloween costumes and other things laying around that will make dress up fun and easy. Kids love to play dress up, and it’s a fantastic activity that requires no additional purchases. 

It is a time to be creative! You can play music for a dance party, put on a play, have the kids put on a play for you, have a formal tea party with fake or real food, and more! I’m a big fan of pulling out dress up clothes, Halloween costumes and fun playtime accessories because it’s an easy win and it’s using things we own in a fun way. You can even make masks, crowns and other crafts to use for dress up! Give it a try and have fun! 

If you’re interested in Sofia’s princess dress and shoes, I’ve linked them for you. 🙂

4. Get outside! Go for walk and get some fresh air. Should you go to a busy area like a playground or basketball court to play with a bunch or people? No, that’s not a good idea. You should walk in a quiet area, staying at least 6 feet away from people. If there’s nobody around, even better! Keep your distance but definitely get some fresh air. 

We’ve been taking the kids for a 1 mile walk through our neighborhood every afternoon. It’s long enough that they get some air, stretch their legs, and enjoy some family outside time. It’s also close to home and in an area without a lot of people, so we can safely walk and keep our distance from others. You can even print out one of these fun scavenger hunt sheets to make your walk even more engaging! Enjoy the outdoors, just be responsible about it.

5. Set up a space to learn. I moved the little table from Sofia’s room downstairs into our family room. She used it in her play kitchen. Now we use it for home schooling in the morning, and play time in the afternoon. It’s a perfect spot to get things done, and having it in the family room allows me to watch them while they are busy. It also means I’m close by to help them. I found a really cool table and chairs set that folds up, if you don’t want your learning space to be in our way. 

I got Gabe a felt calendar for his room a couple of years ago. I moved it downstairs by the little table and chairs, so it’s part of the kids “learning space.” We take a few minutes in the morning to talk about the date, weather, and make the appropriate changes. It’s our version of circle time, and they really enjoy it. You can get your own felt calendar HERE or make your own using construction paper and other crafting supplies. There are a lot of fun options available online as well, so check them out! 

6. Cook together! It is very common for kids to try new foods when they are involved in the cooking and preparing of the meal. You’re home, so take some time to cook together! If you don’t have a lot of time, prepare snacks together and include some new things. We make “food art” a lot, which basically means making a fun picture on your plate out of food. An example of this is to make a silly face out of food, like cherry tomatoes for the eyes, a banana for the smile, raisons for eyelashes, carrot sticks for eyebrows, etc. 

You can also put foods into small bowls and let them make their own food art. Cheerios, dried cranberries, fresh blueberries, shredded carrots, carrot sticks, crackers, seeds/nuts, and other foods are great for making food art. Use a little bit of cream cheese, peanut butter, or other spread on bread so they can stick things on to create a “picture” that they can eat. It’s a fun way to get them involved, and they might even try something new! Take a look HERE for some food art inspiration.

Please note that if you have a younger child who may drop food pieces, think about what you are using. I don’t let my kids make food art with raisons and grapes because we have dogs, and I don’t want them to drop any on the floor where they’ll get eaten up (raisons and grapes are toxic for dogs). 

7. Exercise! Do something you love alone or with your family. Yoga, barre classes, ballet, cardio, kickboxing, etc. There are a ton of free classes online, and if you’re looking for a more formal but affordable workout to stream (like gym classes and workout programs), check out Beachbody On Demand. I’m a huge fan of their workouts, and a 1 year membership is SUPER affordable! It will come in handy while you’re home (keeping you healthy and sane), but it’ll also continue to work well once life gets back to normal. 

Having access to workouts in the home, while you travel, etc. is a huge win for most adults. There is a free trial so that you can give some classes a try, to see if it’s something you’ll enjoy or not, and to get your tush moving! Click HERE to check it out! I’m a coach, so if you have any questions, please comment on this post and I’ll be sure to reach out and help you out. 🙂 

For kiddos, check out Cosmic Kids Yoga, which is free and so cute! Enjoy!

8. Take a break – even if it’s only for 5 minutes. Enjoy those who are around you, snuggle with a pet, give/get a hug from a family member, read a chapter from a book (not related to work or school), meditate for a few minutes, relax in childs pose, or do something you find relaxing.

Yes, this is a stressful time. Yes, there is a TON to get done. No, we’re not used to being home all the time and juggling this many things at once. That is more of a reason to enjoy a short moment in your day. It’ll keep you sane, forcing you to take a deep breath. 

If you have any children in the house, it’ll also help them to feel the love as well. This is stressful for them too! Don’t forget about fur babies – snuggle those dogs and cats too. They have no idea whats going on and a little love will go a long way for both of you. 

9. Get crafty! This might be more of a weekend thing if you’re working all day, trying to home school, etc. Look for fun crafts that you can do using things from around the house. We made these fun fossils using basic things we had in my pantry and the kids dinosaur toys. You can use this blog post for my recipe and instructions (it’s an alternative to salt dough that is actually much safer).

 Other fun crafts are listed HERE – just scroll through to find something you like. There are a ton of other fun and free crafts online that you can print, create using paper, crayons, glue and scissors, and more! Get creative and have fun! 

10. Get some sleep! If you’re having trouble getting real rest, you are not alone. Personally, I’m desperate for some alone time. Between the anxiety I feel from this pandemic and the stress of not getting any alone time, my brain is having a hard time shutting off at night. Falling sleep, or even getting real rest, has been a challenge. Try a guided mediation! Now is the time to try new things to help you get some real rest. Look at phone apps or online for free resources. I did a quick search and this is one site that looked helpful and interesting. 

If you’re not ready for that, try keeping a pen and pad of paper by your bed and writing down all the things you think may keep you up. That might include your to do list, reminders for work the next day, things for your kids, groceries you need to order, or anything else that is buzzing around in your brain. Jot it down so you can rest better. I have been writing down things before bed for the last 6+ months and it’s a big help! This set is a great option for next to your bed, and you’ll have extras for your desk or wherever you need to stay organized. 

That’s it! I hope these tips will help give you some ideas of how to get through this stressful time with a little more ease. I’ll continue to write about things that may help, but if you have your own ideas, please share! We’re in this together, and things that have helped  you may help others as well! This is not forever. We will be able to see family and friends, travel, go to restaurants and other places we miss, very soon! Stay safe and healthy! Sending love and light your way! xo